Let's be honest, everything is much more fun with the right tools. The mobile phone with apps, jogging with a tracking device and good headphones. Making pasta is no different. We have compiled the most important tools for pasta preparation for you here:
You will find a link to the tools where you can buy them. Some of the links are so-called affiliate links. This means that we receive a small commission if you buy products via one of these links. There are no additional costs for you and you are supporting our work on this website. The selection of the linked products is independent of possible commissions, and our opinions always remain authentic. These commissions help us to cover part of our costs and enable us to continue working on this website. Thank you for your support!
The machine
Without it, (almost) nothing works. Whether you're a beginner or a complete pro, the pasta machine is always at your side, so treat it well and it will give you pleasure for a long time.
You can buy the machine from Amazon at this link: https://amzn.to/3Sp3kF9 (*)
The board
Mostly underestimated but indispensable for good pasta: the wooden pasta board. Pasta dough does not like cold surfaces (such as chrome steel or marble); a "warm surface" made of wood is much better. Authentic Italian pasta has been prepared this way for generations.
You can buy the pasta board in our shop: https://pizzapastabros.ch/shop/
The pot
Welches ist der richtige Topf für Pasta? Damit habe ich mich lange gar nicht beschäftigt, bis ich den Tipp bekommen habe, einen Spargeltopf zu verwenden. Ungläubig machte ich damit die ersten Versuche und der Spargeltopf hat mich schliesslich überzeugt. Er ist das ideale Werkzeug, gerade, wenn man mehrere unterschiedliche Pastavariationen servieren will oder für eine grössere Personenzahl kocht. Der clue dabei ist, das Wasser nicht abzuschütten, sondern nur aufzufüllen und gleich den nächsten batch Pasta zu kochen.
You can get the pot from Amazon under this link: https://amzn.to/3UnXRRH (*)
The scraper
The perfect tool for working and processing your dough. It helps you from the first minute of kneading, when you use it to scrape flour back into the kneading mass or to scrape sticky dough residues off the pasta board. But it's also there when you want to separate a unit from the dough for the next pasta rolling cycle.
You can get the pot from Amazon under this link: https://amzn.to/3UnXRRH (*)
These are the most important utensils for pasta making. I will add more tools from time to time. If you have any favourites or other tools, please leave a comment below.
(*) Affiliate Link